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Board of Directors Responsibilities

  • Maintain the code of ethics, fiduciary, and legal responsibilities of the chapter. 
  • Maintain and update the strategic vision, mission, goals and objectives of the chapter, including the chapter's strategic plan. 
  • Provide governance oversight and approval of the annual budget which supports our strategic plan. 
  • Nominate and hold accountable the chapter's appointed officers and their committees to the strategic and tactical goals of the chapter. 
  • Attend a minimum of 75% of board meetings to discuss and approve the governance, strategy and budget issues and decisions needed to effectively and efficiently govern the chapter. 
  • Attend 75% of signature events, which include high-profile events such as Professional Development Days (PDDs), Volunteer Reward Night, and leadership development meetings (Chapter, R4 and National). 
  • Be accountable to PMI and to the chapter members on the business, legal and financial matters of the chapter. 
  • Diplomatic role between the chapter and other organizations like PMI, other components, other professional organizations, educational institutions, etc. 
  • Please note that the first responsibility of the PMI Northeast Ohio Board Members in January is to elect among themselves the President / Secretary / Treasurer positions for the year, which is a requirement of the chapter by both the State of Ohio and PMI Global organization. Those names will be listed in the tax filing and on the website. Because all candidates join the board as a 'Director', it is important for each Director to understand that they have the potential to be named to one of these positions for a one-year period. 


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