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Help Build our Chapter Community - Nominate Yourself for our Board of Directors in 2024!

Chapter News

Every time you support your PMINEO Chapter, serve on a committee, learn a new skill, and give back to the profession by sharing your experience and knowledge with others, you are making a difference. When thinking about your future professional goals, have you considered a Chapter leadership position? We'd love to have you on our team!

Our Members are invited to join our Chapter Board of Directors to help shape the profession of project management. Your participation can make a difference in your community and your profession. For additional details, see below:

Board of Directors Responsibilities

  • Maintain the code of ethics, fiduciary, and legal responsibilities of the chapter.
  • Maintain and update the strategic vision, mission, goals and objectives of the chapter, including the chapter's strategic plan.
  • Provide governance oversight and approval of the annual budget which supports our strategic plan.


Benefits of Serving on the Governance Board

  • Hands-on Leadership Opportunity - Develop the skills needed to lead a high performing non-profit professional organization.
  • Develop Strategic Planning & Execution Skills - Develop strategic planning skills by improving the transparency, visibility, and accountability of our chapters 2023-24 strategic plan.
  • Earn PDUs - Board members that are PMP's may earn up to ten (10) PDU's for participation on the board for each year of service.


Governance Board Time Committments

Time requirements can vary significantly, but in general time commitments for participation on the PMINEO Governance Board Governance are as follows:

  • Board meetings are held roughly every four weeks. 
  • Once per quarter, there is an in-person meeting on Thursday evening.
  • There are three leadership meetings per year that Board Members should plan to attend:
    • Chapter Leadership Meeting — around the last Saturday in September (mandatory)
    • Regional Leadership Meeting — Spring/early Summer Fri-Sun meeting
    • National Leadership Institute Meeting (LIM) — typically held in October



There are several leadership roles available. If you'd like to nominate yourself, click here! Deadline is August 11, 2024.



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