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PMINEO Governance Board Call For Nominations

Chapter News


PMINEO is kicking off its 2020 chapter elections by seeking nominations for open PMINEO leadership positions. We encourage you to consider running for the board! Similarly, we encourage you to nominate PMINEO members who you feel would be strong contributors in these roles. These are rewarding opportunities where you can impact our strategic priorities and improve upon our 2019 accomplishments as a volunteer chapter leader. The persons elected will join the five member Governance Board that is augmented by an appointed three person Operations Board to help run the chapter.

There are three positions up for election on the Governance Board for 2020. The committee’s plan is to have several candidates from whom to choose. The Governance Board will then decide which elected candidates will fill what roles on the Board.

Full details on the positions follow:
● Board 2020 Election Timeline
● Board of Director Responsibilities
● Time Commitments
● Benefits from participating on the PMINEO Board
● Summary descriptions for all the Board Positions

Please forward candidate nominations to the Election Committee along with some details of the person’s background and experience including what motivates you to nominate the individual. If you would like to “throw your own hat into the ring”, and we encourage you to do so, include a professional bio, photo, and statement of why you would be a good candidate for a Board position. Nominations are due by Midnight on Wednesday, July 31, 2019.

Voting will be held from Friday, August 16, 2019 thru Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 11:59pm. 


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