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President's Message - June 2021

President's Messages

Welcome to a beautiful late Spring!! So glad to be outside again and starting to get back to 'normal' - whatever that means!

We will continue virtual programming through the summer - so you can enjoy from the comfort of your deck/patio with a cold beverage nearby! View our event list to register.

With the Governor's lifting of pandemic restrictions, Chapter leadership is evaluating options for a return to in-person events. We are starting with a social event at an Akron Rubber Ducks game on August 18th. Get more info and register here.

Something NEW!! We are planning for hybrid programming (in-person & virtual) in the second half of the year! If you have a passion for video recording and would like to be part of our hybrid technology team, please let our volunteering team know.

Feel free to reach out and as always, stay safe & healthy!

Todd R Jones
President, PMINEO


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