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President's Message - September 2020

President's Messages

It is hard to believe that we are in September and Labor Day is upon us. I am trying to fight that it represents the unofficial end to summer!

First, THANKS for your generosity. Together we donated 557 pounds of food to the Cleveland Food Bank on behalf of the Chapter. Combined with other chapters from Region 4, we supplied nearly 5 tons of food to food banks in major cities in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. Well done!

You are invited to our Annual Planning meeting for 2021. It will take place virtually on Saturday, September 26, from 9:15a-11:30a. Our focus will be on post-COVID: how do we want to emerge as a Chapter and what should we be doing now to prepare for it? Please visit for more details and to register. All Chapter leaders and volunteers are strongly urged to attend; all are welcome to join!

Be on the lookout for your ballot for PMINEO Governance Board elections. There are two officer positions up for election this year. Information should be distributed in the next week with a link. Be sure to read the candidate bios and cast your vote.

We have exciting virtual events throughout the Fall - from more Thursday Tech Talk webinars, monthly chapter meetings, women in PM book clubs meetings, and our combined International Project Management Day / Professional Development Day event on Thursday, November 5. We also have links to some virtual events by our regional chapters that you can attend.

As school starts (in whatever form) and some of us are returning to work at an office, I am anxiously awaiting in-person chapter events (as soon as it is advisable). Until then...

Stay safe & healthy!

Todd Jones
PMINEO President


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