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President's Message - December 2023

President's Messages

Welcome to the Holidays, PMINEO!

Chapter Election Results: Congratulations to the newly elected Governance Board member, Laura Rodriguez-Carbone, who will be joining the Board on Jan. 1, 2024. Congratulations to returning Governance Board members, Laura Hoffmann and Steve Peterson, who were both re-elected. All three will serve 2-year terms, expiring on Dec. 31, 2025.

Annual Planning Meeting: We held our annual planning meeting earlier this Fall. Since our strategy is solid, we spent the time creating a backlog of ideas to advance our three strategic pillars: Promote the PMINEO Brand, Engage Young Professionals, and Build the PMINEO Community. Looking for more info about specific initiatives in the Annual Meeting, which will be held virtually on Wed, Feb 7, 2024. Click here for more info and to register!

There are only a few events remaining in 2023. Check out the website for more info and to see some event already posted for January!

I am wrapping up my final term on the PMINEO Governance Board at the end of the year, so this will be my last message. It has been a privilege to serve the members of PMINEO... we have a great Chapter with strong leadership and outstanding volunteers! I would like to express my gratitude to the current and past members of the Gov Board and Ops Board; I enjoyed serving shoulder to shoulder with you.

To those of you who are sitting on the sideline, consider getting involved as a volunteer... you will not regret it. It is a great way to connect with other like-minded professionals, give back to the profession, and earn a few PDUs. Click here to connect with our volunteer team!

I wish you and yours a Blessed Season and a Happy New Year!

Todd R Jones

President, PMINEO

PS - Please engage with us on LinkedIn and other social media channels!
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