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President's Message - December 2022

President's Messages

Season's Greetings!!

Welcome to the final month of 2022... and all of the hustle & bustle that goes with it! Despite the busy-ness, I love the Holidays. It is a great time to reflect back on the outgoing year and set vision for the upcoming year. Our Chapter is no different.

Based on the outcomes from the Annual Planning meeting in October, the Board has determined a few key areas of focus for 2023:

  • Realign our Brand with PMI. (Have you heard the term 'ChangeMakers' yet? If not, you will soon!)
    • Revise our Vision & Mission to the Brand
    • Promote the updated Brand
  • Focus on building strong Community within PMINEO
    • Engage young professionals
    • Add more dynamic programming ('Ways of Working' Wednesday, Saturday Breakfast mtgs, etc.)
    • Add 'regional' events or watch parties within NE Ohio
    • Increased emphasis on 'Social Good' (promote a charity at each monthly mtg, more give back opportunities, etc.)

Really great stuff! Please reach out to me or one of our other Board members if you have ideas or want to get involved.

Do you have budget to 'use or lose' by the end of the year? Why not invest in yourself or your team with training! Check out discounted partner offerings where you can take certification prep classes and earn PDUs learning from video-based content or self-paced classes. 

Our end of year programming is thin (as always) so that our dedicated volunteers can spend time with family & friends. There is one evening learning opportunity on Wed, 12/14. Visit the website for more into & to register. Looking ahead, there are already events posted in January and February. More details to come shortly.

As we put the finishing touches on another year, I would like to thank you, our faithful members, for continuing on this journey with us. I would also like to recognize our dedicated team of volunteers who propel our Chapter forward - thanks & keep up the great work!

Wishing you all the best in the final days of 2022... Season's Greetings... and have a safe & Happy New Year!!

Todd R Jones
President, PMINEO

PS - Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and other social media channels!
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