Calendar of Events

PMIxAI - Your Gateway to the Future of AI-driven Project Management

Power Skills

Through PMIxAI, PMI is leading the AI Transformation of Project Management by merging human ingenuity with AI advancements, fueled and guided by our global community.

PDU: 1 Power Skills 


  • Welcome and introductions - 5 min
  • Presentation - 30 min
  • Q&A - 15 min 



Claudia Alcelay is an experienced project manager with a deep background in innovation, particularly in driving the evolution of the EdTech sector since she first served as a project management expert for the European Commission and different ministries in Spain, Egypt, and France.

Once she was awarded the IELA First Prize at Columbia University as a methodologist with tech-gamified approaches, her professional journey was marked by a synergistic integration of technology and product development, which took her EdTech company to worldwide expansion. She has led the design of dozens of project management-related online products and created a community of project managers around newsletters, marketplaces, and online platforms.

Her passion lies in harnessing the potential of emerging technologies like AI, Virtual Reality, the Metaverse, and NFTs to strategically steer the transformation of education and society. A path that she started at MIT with training in Artificial Intelligence and that has now evolved to a Product Manager in AI at the Project Management Institute, where she serves in the development of a knowledge-based AI for project managers, PMI-Infinity. 

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Type of category: Webinar

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: October 23rd, 2024

Hour: 12:00PM to 1:00PM

# of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: $5.00
