Career Networking

An important component of PMINEO’s mission is to provide a lively environment for meeting other chapter members, exchanging career related information, and provide support for our career enhancement and job search efforts.

Why Network?

antenna-cw-cj_nFa14-unsplash.jpgNetworking is a vital way to manage our careers as professionals in project management. This group serves to bring people together for the purpose of meeting, learning career techniques, and sharing information on career opportunities. It also provides a forum for encouraging each other when in the job search.

Open to all members of PMINEO (and to non-members as well – to generate interest in the chapter), our dialogue explores resources in the community, on the internet, and making personal connections. People looking for jobs, company representatives looking to hire, and other interested PMI members are welcome.

Member Services - Career Opportunities

Visit the PMINEO Job Board to view current postings for project management opportunities.

Hiring managers, HR managers, and recruiters

Advertise your open positions and submit a job posting.

Volunteer Opportunities

PMINEO is run by volunteers for the benefit of our Members.  Another great networking opportunity is to become a volunteer. For more about how to volunteer, visit our volunteer page.

Monthly Events - Open to Public

Meeting formats often include some or all of the following:

  • Outside expert presentations
  • Round table discussions
  • Webinars
  • Article and web review
  • Member presentations
  • And more!

Register for the next event here.