Calendar of Events

1/20/21 Women in Project Management Virtual Book Club (all are welcome!)

PMINEO has a Women in Project Management Book Club and all are welcome!  The next book we will be reading is The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance-What Women Should Know by Katty Kay on January 20th via Zoom.

Jan 20th, 2021 at 6:30pm

Location:  This event is a webinar.

Register in advance for this meeting:

About The Book:

The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance-What Women Should Know by Katty Kay
Confidence. We want it. We need it. But it can be maddeningly enigmatic and out of reach. The authors of the New York Times bestseller Womenomics deconstruct this essential, elusive, and misunderstood quality and offer a blueprint for bringing more of it into our lives.
Is confidence hardwired into the DNA of a lucky few, or can anyone learn it? Is it best expressed by bravado, or is there another way to show confidence? Which is more important: confidence or competence? Why do so many women, even the most successful, struggle with feelings of self-doubt? Is there a secret to channeling our inner confidence?

About the Book Club:

The PMINEO WIPM Book Club is a forum for talking about books that touch on the widely varied challenges of women in project and program management. There is no Book Club membership or fees. Anyone can sign up to join our conversations. There are just three key requirements: preregistration, reading the book before the meeting, and coming to the Book Club with an open mind and being prepared to have your understanding adjusted as you hear about the book through the voices of your professional peers.


  • 6:30 PM – Welcome, introductions, discuss book
  • 7:30 PM – Discuss Next Book/Timing
  • 7:45 PM – End

PDUs Available:
Based on the amount of time you will spend in self-directed study of leadership – we estimate up to six hours of reading, which converts to up to 6 PDUs for qualified PMPs who are under the 30 PDU limit for their current three year certification cycle. Please note that these PDUs will need to be reported as Self-Directed Learning. For full details on PDU reporting refer to the PMP Handbook .


Event Properties

Event Date 01-20-2021 6:30 pm
Event End Date 01-20-2021 7:45 pm
Individual Price Free

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Events

Date: January 20th, 2021

Hour: 6:30PM to 5:45PM

# of PDUs: 0.0


Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
